
Posts Tagged ‘yellow autumn foliage’

The cold has set in. Change is beginning to be noticed in some plants which take on different hues and tones during the colder months. Most noticeable is the change in some conifers which take on bronzy tints. Other plants also get tinged leaves often with richer coloring. Some bark of trees even becomes more distinct in coloring. One tree which is a standout (literally) is the Coral Bark Maple (Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku‘). The already coral-red coloring of the bark deepens in tone and stands out from all other trees.

This Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' also known as the Coral Bark Maple is at Government House.

This Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' also known as the Coral Bark Maple is at Government House.

Most people know the Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) which is almost over used in many places. It was first described by Carl Peter Thunberg, he brought drawing of the tree back from Japan where he was stationed during the period of 1775-76.  It was Thunberg who named the small tree using ‘palmatum’ to describe the small leaves as ‘hand-like’.
The small baby hand-shaped leaves of Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'

The small baby hand-shaped leaves of Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'

The ‘hand-like description is very similar to the Japanese name for Maple leaves ‘kaede’.   Kaede refers to the  leaves resembling small (baby) hands or (kaeru)frog +(de) hands. Momiji(momizu)  is also used as meaning  Maples but more correctlyrefers to the leaves turning red in autumn as Maples usually do. The first live Acer palmatum arrived in England in 1820 and since that time the trees have remained popular.

The Coral Bark Maple goes through an incredible range of color changes beginning in spring with buttery yellow tones which have a lively effect.
The Coral Bark Maple goes through an incredible range of color changes beginning in spring with buttery yellow tones which have a lively effect.

Japanese Maples where a highly developed plant by the time they were brought to Europe. In Japan the first place these trees were known to be written about was in ‘Kadan Chikinsho’ (by San Nojo Hanado), a 6 volume work on the ornamental trees and shrubs of Japan published in 1685. Later there was revisions to the  book and a complete volume was given over to Acer palmatum and its known forms. Breeding and specialization of plants really took of during the ‘Edo period (1603-1867) in  Japan, at that time there were even cults devoted to certain plants. In 1770 there were 36 named varieties and by 1882 the list had grown to include about 250 varieties. It is not known how old Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaki’ is.  Some of old varieties have been lost during the 2nd World War as the trees were cut down and used as fuel.  Since the 1960s there has been a resurgence of interest in the trees and hundreds of new varieties have been collected from Japan and around the world where these trees are collected and propagated.

Summer sees Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' transforming from golden to mid green.

Summer sees Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' transforming from golden to mid green.

There is some confusion with the naming of the Coral Bark Maple: its correct name is Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku‘.  In the past it been listed as  ‘Senkaki’ which is wrong, there is no known plant by that name. Now there is a problem in getting a true ‘Sango Kaki’ as some trees which are sold with this name are likely to be selected seedlings of the same parent. All named Japanese Maples are propagated by cuttings which are then grafted onto a more vigorous understock. This is a slow and expensive process, therefore you need to select your plant from a reputable grower and be suspicious of unusually cheap plant offerings. the best time to buy a plant is in the fall when you can inspect the bark coloring and select the deepest coloring.
The red coloring of Acer palmatun 'Sango Kaku' intensifies in the cold winter weather.

The red coloring of Acer palmatun 'Sango Kaku'' intensifies in the cold winter weather.

Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaki’ like all Japanese Maple is a fairly easy plant to grow. It  likes fertile, slightly acid well-drained soil. They like to be kept evenly watered at all times, changes in watering can damage the plant. They like full sun here in the north-west but need shade in areas with more intense light. All Japanese Maples should be protected from drying winds regardless if they be in the summer or winter, their leaves and bark are thin and damaged easily. Best siting for this plant will take advantage of the tree coloring throughout the year, colors in the background should be chosen to make the tree stand out more.  These trees like  As mentioned selection of the plant takes some care, at that time make sure the roots are in good condition. The roots are fine and these trees are best bought in a container.
As the branches get older the coral coloring of Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' blends in with older bark.

As the branches get older the coral coloring of Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' blends in with older bark.

All Acer palmatum make excellent container subjects, I have several which are growing in large pots for many years. The Coral Bark Maple should be used as a specimen as it has wonderful coloring throughout the year. These trees also look wonderful in dark borders or with other plants which will highlight the red bark of this plant.  This plant grows to about 4.5-6 m. (15-20 ft). It has a narrower vase shape and has a spread of maybe 1/3 less than height or 2.5-5 m.(10-15 ft.). It has a hardiness rating of zones 6 though 9 or -20 c.(-10 f.).
Autumn brings the return of the buttery yellow and ambers often edged with crimson to the Coral Bark Maple.

Autumn brings the return of the buttery yellow and amber often edged with crimson to the Coral Bark Maple.

Crimson tidings lead us to:

Rainyside speaks to us: http://www.rainyside.com/features/plant_gallery/shrubs/AcerSango-kaku.html

Wiki on Acer palmatum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_palmatum

‘Sango-Kaku’ vs other similar and incorrectly named trees: http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/forums/showthread.php?t=394

……Hope to see you soon again here….

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When I was going to horticulture school we learned mostly practical plants, not many where exotic or unusual. This is perfectly locical as we were going to be the designers and sellers of materials for people who did not know what was best for their yards. As I learned the trees and shrubs I would travel up and down the streets and avenues in the area I lived looking for new specimens I was learning. One winter day I went out and was walking along a school edge and admiring the symmetry of the tree species which was planted along the property edge, all of a sudden I realized this was a row of Tulip Trees(Liriodendron tulipifera)  which I found so appealing. I then had a new appreciation for the tree and why it was selected for us to learn about.

The typical shape of a Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) leave is seen here decked out in fabulous fall color.

The typical shape of a Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) leave is seen here decked out in fabulous fall color.

The Liriodendron species is very old, in fact it dates back to the Cretaceous era. This era was 145.5 to 65 million years ago.  At that time Liriodendrons grew in across the northern hemisphere. It is believed that the last ice age  Liriodendrons retreated into to two area, eastern North America(L. tulipifera) and China(L. chinense) and developed into 2 distinct species that we know today. Liriodendron tulipifera now grows in eastern North America from Florida to southern Ontario and west into parts of Texas and Missouri and Iowa. It is in the Great Smoky Mountains along the Tennessee , North Carolina state borders were it grows its best.

There are many Tulip Trees throughout  Victoria, these trees are along the Heywood St. entrance in Beacon Hill Park.

There are many Tulip Trees throughout Victoria, these trees are along the Heywood St. entrance in Beacon Hill Park.

The name Tulip tree is something of a puzzle, people wonder if it refers to the tulip- like leaves or the flowers.  In botanical latin Liriodendron refers to ‘greek’ Leirion meaning a lily and ‘dendron’ meaning a tree. Liriodendron= a ‘lily tree’. Then we add tulipafera or’tulipa’ the latin name for the Tulip flower. Liriodendron(lily tree) + tulipifera(Tulip) = Tulip Lily flowered Tree.  Although the leaves do look like tulips in their own way , it is the rarely seen flowers which are high up in the tree which are refered to. The flowers of this species are very primitive and are formed in a spiral of pistils and stamens in a conical receptacle. Surrounding the conical form are 9 narrow sepals which take the place of petals and on the inside of these is an orange stripe.

The unusual pale green 'Tulip Tree' flowers ishigh in the tree and often not easily seen.

The unusual pale green 'Tulip Tree' flowers is high in the tree and often not easily seen.

Tulip Trees are the largest broad-leaved trees in eastern North America and the wood they provide is a very good quality hardwood. Other common names they go by is Tulip or Yellow Poplar or even Yellow Wood. The wood quality is hard, finely grained and taking a high polish, this is why it is used for such things as furniture, veneers and paneling and toys. The first use of this wood was for dugout canoes made by the native  people who found the huge trunk size useful for the purpose.

Massive Tulip Trees are an important source of lumber in Eastern North America.

Massive Tulip Trees are an important source of lumber in Eastern North America.

Liriodendron tulipifera can grow to about 42-50m(150-165ft) in an urban situation which makes their placement difficult in most small garden plots. Tulip trees are really best for large lawns or park-like settings. They are excellent trees for boulevards and other street tree settings.  They have the added attraction of being fairly pest and disease free, I never see leaf damage on these trees around here. Another bonus is the beautiful golden and brass shades seen in the autumn as these trees shed their leaves in autumn.

The Attractive autumn color of the Tulip Trees line this walk at St Ann's Academy in Victoria.

The Attractive autumn color of the Tulip Trees line this walk at St Ann's Academy in Victoria.

Liriodendron tulipifera is an ancient tree but is easy to grow.  It grows best in full sun or  light shade in the hotter, drier parts of North America. It likes deep, rich, slightly acidic soil which does not dry out during hot spells in summer and fall. They have fleshy roots which are poorly branched and probably brittle therefore care must be taken when planting beneath them when they are young.  These trees tolerate -25c(-20f) or zones 5 through 9.

The conical arrangement of the Tulip Tree seed-head falls apart to reveal single-seeded samaras.

The conical arrangement of the Tulip Tree seed-head falls apart to reveal single-seeded samara.

Propagation of Liriodendron tulipifera is easily done by seed or grafting for the more attractive forms. There are at least 2  very attractive variegated forms. Other forms are fastigate or have more unusual growth habits.

The furrowed bark of Liriodendron tulipifera is attractive and easily recogonizable.

The furrowed bark of Liriodendron tulipifera is attractive and easily recogonizable.

Trailing Tulip Trees:

Some great pictures of the elusive flowers: http://ontariotrees.com/mondaygarden/article.php?id=0095

Always a good source of plant information: http://www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/l/lirtul/lirtul1.html

Wikis’ page on Tulip Trees: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liriodendron_tulipifera

Until we meet again here….

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